Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The rich and wealthy complain

The people of Cape Cod, Massachusetts are trying to organize a ban on the production of America's first offshore wind farm, simply because they say it will ruin their lovely view. They would rather have power plants in the interior burn massive amounts of coal, polluting the environment and the continuation of carbon being pumped into our atmosphere than ruin their pretty little view. I think that this is obserd! If we do not take action in this matter, the "Rich folks" over time will not have a nice little home on Cape Cod to go to. I have read a few different articles on this project and there has been much debate on the issue of building this project period. I say yes to this project all the way. Windfarms produce renewable energy that we need!!!!!!
The economist. (November 9, 2009). Cape wind: America's first offshore wind farm on nantucket sound. Retrieved (November 11, 2009). from

Check out this clip, it is funny but it has meaning.

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